210. Concomitant Radio-Chemotherapy with Paclitaxel in High Risk Endometrial Cancer
Internat.J. Gynecol. Cancer Vol 13, supplem.1 p.66 (Abstract) March/April 2003
In coll. P.DeMarzi, G. Mangili, R.Viganò, S.Beatrice, E. Garavaglia and A.Ferrari)
We report disease-free and overall survival in 23 high risk endometrial patients treated with paclitaxel and radiotherapy. Median follow-up was 25 months (range 10-45). Twenty-one patients completed radio-chemotherapy. Three patients (14.3%)presented a relapse of disease, outside the irradiation field.Overall survival was 95.5% with a disease free survival of 25 months.This therapeutic regimen is safe and well tolerated; survival and relapse rates appear encouraging, if compared to previous studies.