- 299 - Perinatal factors and the risk of atopic dermatitis: A cohort study.
- 300 - Ovarian and adrenal androgens may be useful markers to predict oocyte competence and embryo development in older women.
- 301 - Intraperitoneal chemotherapy in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: a survey.
- 302 - Hysterectomy rates for benign conditions are declining in Lombardy, Italy: 1996-2010.
- 303 - Efficacy of ivf following conservative management of endometrial cancer.
- 304 - Pharmacokinetics of concomitant cisplatin and paclitaxel administered by hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy to patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis from epithelial ovarian cancer.
- 305 - Tubal primary metastatic choriocarcinoma coexistent with a viable early pregnancy: a case report
- 307 - Ovarian and adrenal androgens may be useful markers to predict oocyte competence and embryo development in older women.
- 308 - Usefulness of vessel-sealing devices for peripartum hysterectomy: a retrospective cohort study