71. Risultati clinici della Marshall Marchetti modificata nell’incontinenza urinaria femminile
Annali di Ostetricia e Ginecologia Medicina Perinatale. Vol. CXI (4), pag. 223-227. 1990
( in coll. M. Dindelli, L. Gandini, R. Daccò, M. Di Terlizzi, P. Guarnerio, A. Ferrari )
Summary: We considered 49 patients suffering from urinary stress incontinence, operated from January 1984 by Marshall-Marchetti procedure opening the bladder in accord with Symmonds and Lee. Thirty-three patients (67.3%) had one or more previous surgical procedures. We made urodynamic preoperative tests and stress tests ( Ferrari classification ) in all cases. We obtained complete recovery in 80% of our cases, improvement in 14% and failure in 6%; particularly the recovery percentage in our patients operated for the first time was 97.2%; in the recurrencies we had complete success in 46%, an improvement in 38.5% and surgical failure in 15.5%. Complications were observed in 1 patient affected by pubic osteitis and treated with medical therapy. Only 3 patients had an incomplete bladder emptying 1 year after the surgical operation, with a value of the post minctional residual volume of about 1/3 of the maximal cystometric capacity.