115. Cellular proliferation and DNA ploidy supplies new prognostic informations in ovarian tumors
Estratto da: Advances on Gynaecological Oncology. Knokke (Belgio), 9-12 Maggio 1995
( in coll. G. Mangili, I. Sassi, F. Mangili, E. Rabaiotti, A. Mariani, A. Agnello, A. Ferrari )
Summary: In 47 patients with epithelial ovarian tumors treated at S.Raffaele Hospital-University of Milano-from1986 to 1991, we studied paraffin-embedded tissue available to determine DNA content, using flow cytometric analysis. In G3 cases we found 77.8% aneuploid determination versus 44.4% and 33.3% repectively in G1 and G2 cases. In stages I and II aneuoloid DNA was determined in 33.3% of cases versus 68.4% of stages III and IV. In multivariate analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model, residual disease (RR=1.6; p<0.00001) after primary surgery resulted the unique independent prognostic factor influencing survival, among staging, histotype, grading, RT and ploidy (p<0.00001). Ploidy did not reveal any effect as indipendent prognostic factor, even considering only advanced stage ovarian cancers (p=0.089). We observed that optimal debulking surgery was achieved in only 36% of patients with advanced stage included in this historical series.